Cry to a Silent Heaven
There are times when even the strongest believer may feel absent
from God, where the soul aches for Him and is not satisfied. For this theme we look a a few poems dealing with times like these.
The Featured Poems
"Denial" by George Herbert
"I KNOW that He exists" by Emily Dickenson
"A Darkening Cell" by Sorrow De LaCroix
"Psalm 13" a song of David
by George Herbert
When my devotions could not pierce
Thy silent ears;
Then was my heart broken, as was my verse:
My breast was full of fears
And disorder:
My bent thoughts, like a brittle bow,
Did fly asunder:
Each took his way; some would to pleasures go,
Some to the wars and thunder
Of alarms.
As good go any where, they say,
As to benumb
Both knees and heart, in crying night and day,
Come, come, my God, O come!
But no hearing.
O that thou shouldst give dust a tongue
To cry to thee,
And then not hear it crying! all day long
My heart was in my knee,
But no hearing.
Therefore my soul lay out of sight,
Untuned, unstrung:
My feeble spirit, unable to look right,
Like a nipped blossom, hung
O cheer and tune my heartless breast,
Defer no time;
That so thy favors granting my request,
They and my mind may chime,
And mend my rhyme.
Reformation Ink: Religious Poems of George Herbert
by Emily Dickinson
I KNOW that He exists
Somewhere, in silence.
He has hid his rare life
From our gross eyes.
'Tis an instant's play.
'Tis a fond ambush,
Just to make bliss
Earn her own surprise!
But should the play
Prove piercing earnest,
Should the glee glaze
In death's stiff stare,
Would not the fun
Look too expensive?
Would not the jest
Have crawled too far?
Emily Dickinson: Complete Poems
by Sorrow De LaCroix
Maybe you will come again
When it is not so cold,and
The leaves become green like
They are reliving a dream.
Winter is not over and it
Is cold in my cell.I wish
I could go back to my youth
When I didn't care about the
Truth.If you come here in the
Summer would you mind telling
Me of your journeys? Did you
Ever find the face of Christ,
Or did you become the anti-Christ?
I still live in my cell where
The only season is winter.
A Psalm of David
How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart all the day?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?
Consider and answer me, O LORD my God;
Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,
And my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken.
But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD,
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
"Denial" by George Herbert
"I KNOW that He exists" by Emily Dickenson
"A Darkening Cell" by Sorrow De LaCroix
"Psalm 13" a song of David
by George Herbert
When my devotions could not pierce
Thy silent ears;
Then was my heart broken, as was my verse:
My breast was full of fears
And disorder:
My bent thoughts, like a brittle bow,
Did fly asunder:
Each took his way; some would to pleasures go,
Some to the wars and thunder
Of alarms.
As good go any where, they say,
As to benumb
Both knees and heart, in crying night and day,
Come, come, my God, O come!
But no hearing.
O that thou shouldst give dust a tongue
To cry to thee,
And then not hear it crying! all day long
My heart was in my knee,
But no hearing.
Therefore my soul lay out of sight,
Untuned, unstrung:
My feeble spirit, unable to look right,
Like a nipped blossom, hung
O cheer and tune my heartless breast,
Defer no time;
That so thy favors granting my request,
They and my mind may chime,
And mend my rhyme.
Reformation Ink: Religious Poems of George Herbert
by Emily Dickinson
I KNOW that He exists
Somewhere, in silence.
He has hid his rare life
From our gross eyes.
'Tis an instant's play.
'Tis a fond ambush,
Just to make bliss
Earn her own surprise!
But should the play
Prove piercing earnest,
Should the glee glaze
In death's stiff stare,
Would not the fun
Look too expensive?
Would not the jest
Have crawled too far?
by Sorrow De LaCroix
Maybe you will come again
When it is not so cold,and
The leaves become green like
They are reliving a dream.
Winter is not over and it
Is cold in my cell.I wish
I could go back to my youth
When I didn't care about the
Truth.If you come here in the
Summer would you mind telling
Me of your journeys? Did you
Ever find the face of Christ,
Or did you become the anti-Christ?
I still live in my cell where
The only season is winter.
A Psalm of David
How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart all the day?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?
Consider and answer me, O LORD my God;
Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,
And my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken.
But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD,
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
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